Thursday, July 23, 2015

Integrating technology in your classroom

Teachers are scared to use technology in their classroom, scared for the unknown and too set in their ways.  There is also the myth that technology will take over the teachers place...

Well technology is not there to change or to take over education, but it is a tool to aid education and learning.
We must ask our self:
"What world will our students exit school into? And what skills will they need to be successful?"

  • collaboration
  • communication
  • creativity
  • divergent thinking

We need technology to foster these skills and point our students in the right direction.
Making a mind shift to use technology in your classroom would not only benefit the students, you as teacher, but the environment to.

Heather Wolperd-Gawron blogged On Edutopia 5 Reasons for Intergrating Technology.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Classroom management: ClassDojo

We are surrounded with negativity every day and everywhere; adults talking about children that shows no manners and are not properly disciplined. Do you as a teacher agree and complain about it, or are you going to do something about this so called "problem". 

Research shows effectiveness in positive classroom management / - encouragement. Why not start today in your class, and what better way than an electronic platform: ClassDojo! This is a brilliant tool, because it is so accessible and user friendly. Yess- even you can try it out! 

ClassDojo’s mission is to reinvent classrooms by bringing teachers, students and parents closer together. Teachers use ClassDojo as a communication platform to encourage students, and get parents engaged too. 
ClassDojo is a behaviour management tool for the classroom. Each student has a profile – complete with their own avatar – to which teachers can assign positive and negative points (or 'dojos') throughout the lesson or anytime during the day. 

The classrooms becomes a positive place - students work towards a goal and the class becomes a team! Its also important to acknowledge students strengths and  ClassDojo makes it able to give individual acknowledgement. Students feel good about themselves and it will reflect on their work and attitude. Students parents' also have access to their childrens profile, so just maybe the students will think twice about doing something in class.

This behaviour management tool is worth a try! Go watch this short tutorial video on Youtube to sign up today! Tutorial and set up

If you’re not convinced yet, go have a look on 